What is a depreciation schedule and why do I need one?

2021-07-10T18:13:26+08:0019th February 2016|Tips|

Are you thinking about investing in property this year? One of the reasons why investing in property helps you to build wealth is that it offers you various tax deductions. But many first time investors are unaware of all the tax deductions that may be available. One of the tax deductions you can claim on [...]

What are the costs involved with buying a home?

2021-07-10T18:13:26+08:0016th February 2016|Finance, Tips|

Saving up your deposit is the first step in buying a home, and when your bank account balance starts to look good it's easy to get excited. But it pays to be realistic. Exactly how much money is enough? In this article we take a look at some of the upfront costs involved with buying [...]

Moving up – could an apartment be your first home?

2021-07-10T18:13:26+08:0030th January 2016|Tips|

Are you in the market for your first home? Perhaps you've been dreaming the classic home buyer’s dream of a little house with a garden and a white picket fence? If this sounds like you, then you may have found that your property searches in 2015 were unrewarding – with the property market running hot [...]

Adding a swimming pool – is it a good investment?

2021-07-10T18:13:26+08:0028th January 2016|Tips|

Now that the hot weather is well and truly here, wouldn’t it be marvellous to have your own swimming pool in the back yard? Not only are they a great way to keep cool in summer, they make great entertainment for the kids and can be a stylish addition to your home. However, as a [...]

Is buying a property your New Year resolution?

2021-07-10T18:13:27+08:0027th January 2016|News, Tips|

2015 was a fantastic year for property in Australia Our major property markets saw some significant capital gains and many property sellers made a good profit. There were also record numbers of auctions around the country – but competition was fierce and if you were looking to buy, securing the property you wanted wasn’t always [...]

Consolidate your debts for a happier New Year!

2021-07-10T18:13:27+08:0021st December 2015|Tips|

It's that time of year when we spend up big - buying presents for our family and friends, eating out, decking the halls with Christmas decorations and even going away on holidays. This can be a very stressful time for those of us on a tight budget. And it can be particularly stressful if you [...]

Is it time for a home loan health check?

2021-07-10T18:13:27+08:0018th December 2015|News, Tips|

We've just been through the busiest time of year in the property game. If you're interested in purchasing property, then spring is when you're usually flat out researching the market, viewing properties and attending auctions. But now that summer is here and the busy period is slowing, it's a good time to review your financial [...]

Buying your dream holiday home – will it make a good rental property?

2021-07-10T18:13:27+08:0014th December 2015|Tips|

Summer is finally here and it's the time of year when we all start dreaming of owning our own holiday home and enjoying endless sunny days by the sea. But is buying a holiday home really a good financial decision? Is there a way to make a holiday home purchase work as an investment as [...]

Do you have the right insurance protection?

2021-07-10T18:13:28+08:0017th November 2015|Tips|

Many Australians may not have adequate income or mortgage protection insurance cover in place to service their home loan repayments and living expenses in the event they lose their job, or suffer a serious illness or injury that would make them unable to work. In fact, while most of us have car insurance, it's been [...]

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