About Dallas Shores

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So far Dallas Shores has created 371 blog entries.

How to Spot a Good Fixer-Upper

2021-07-10T18:13:16+08:0028th February 2017|Tips|

Buying to renovate and sell can be a lucrative investment strategy, allowing investors to potentially make a fast profit with minimal effort and expense. However, the key is to find the right fixer-upper – one that gives you a maximum increase in value for minimal expenditure. Cha-ching! As your mortgage and finance broker, we love [...]

3 Auction Strategies That Really Work

2021-07-10T18:13:16+08:0024th February 2017|Tips|

There's nothing quite like attending your first auction and seeing the characters at play – the charismatic auctioneer with the overpriced suit and the Hollywood smile, the throng of sticky-palmed bidders and nosy neighbours waiting in anticipation, the stressed-out vendors hiding in the shadows. The experience can be exhilarating and exciting, but it can also [...]

What you need to consider when buying your second property

2021-07-10T18:13:17+08:0029th January 2017|Tips|

If you have already purchased your first home, congratulations! The next step in building wealth for your future could be to plan for the purchase of a second property as an investment. Owning two properties is a great financial ambition and with Australian house prices on the rise, doing so has great potential to improve [...]

7 Top Home Renovation and Décor Ideas for 2017

2021-07-10T18:13:17+08:0029th January 2017|Tips|

Out with the old and in with the new! What better way to start 2017 than with a make-over for your most valuable asset? Whether you're ready for a complete home renovation or simply want to bring your house up-to-date with a few cosmetic changes, you'll want to get on top of the latest trends [...]

New Year Resolutions for Your Finances

2021-07-10T18:13:17+08:0026th January 2017|Tips|

With another Christmas celebrated and already showing up on our waistlines, a common topic of conversation for many of us in January is our New Year resolutions. Whether it’s a pledge to give up smoking, get to the gym more often, or start (yet another) healthy eating regime, New Year resolutions usually have a self-improvement [...]

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